MMM Academy is the academic section of the MigratieMuseumMigration.

It contains videos about:

  • the history of migration to Brussels from the Middle Ages onwards;
  • different communities of Brussels residents with a migrant background;
  • specific themes related to migration.
Below are excerpts from some of the videos in the MMM Academy catalogue. It is possible to view a selection of videos when you come to the museum.
To view a selection of the MMM Academy catalogue with a group at the museum with an informative session given by em. Prof. Dr. Johan Leman on the migrations to Brussels from the 19th century to the present day, please email for prices and details.

Migration from 1300 to 1940

Dr. Anne Morelli, Honorary Professor at the ULB, historian (9’30”)

Migration de 1945 à 1974

Dr. Patrick Deboosere, Prof. Dr.-Ing. em. VUB (10′)

Migration from 1974 to 2020

Dr. Johan Leman, em. Prof.  KU Leuven, anthropologist; president of Foyer asbl (13′)

Brussels superdiversity

Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec, anthropologist, Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity,
Dr. Marco Martiniello, Social Sciences, Professor University of Liège, director of IMISCOE (9′)

Linguistic diversity in Brussels

Dr. Philippe Van Parijs, em. Prof. UC Louvain, philosopher, president of the Council of multilinguism of Brussels (9’)

History of Moroccan inhabitants of Brussels

Dr. Hassan Bousetta, Social Sciences, University of Liège (12’)

History of the Romanian inhabitants of Brussels

Dr. Ann Trappers, anthropologist, staff member Foyer (6’)

Archives to which MMM Academy provides access:

  1. Archive of Foyer from 1969 to the present day. (on-site).
  2. Archive (May 2024) of the Foreigners Law and International Family Law Service of the Flemish Agency for Integration and Citizenship education, including documentation from the former legal services for foreigners at the Flemish level from 1975 to 2014, transferred to the Agency in 2015. (on-site)
  3. Archive (May 2024) including documentation from 1970 to 2014, from the ‘Kruispunt’ Migration-Integration Crossroads, of the Flemish Minorities Center, and the Flemish Consultation Platform on Travellers. (on-site)
  4. Archive of em. Prof. Johan Leman: 200 boxes, covering 1989-1993 (as chief of Cabinet of the Royal Commissioner for Migrant Policy) and 1993-2003 (as director of the Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism). (stored at KADOC in Leuven)
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